Growing List of Resolutions

     Okay, I hope everyone suffers from the same issue....the ever growing list of resolutions!  With only the best of intentions, every year I make my list.  Year, after year, after year, after year.  For some strange reason, they never seem to come off that list.  My list just continues to grow.  To be fair, I do manage to cross off a few minor things, which I think subconsciously I put on my list so I can actually cross something off and not feel like a total loser.  This year I am taking a different route! 

My list can have a maximum of 5 things on it.

They must be specific and obtainable (realistically!).

They can't all be about me- I know I need the work, friends don't give up on me yet, but I figure I better start paying something back.  Giving birth and providing the world with 2 amazing human beings, doesn't have the same level of amazingness with the general population as the grandparents told me it would.  My husband doesn't even buy the "I gave birth to your children" line anymore.  I have been using it for twenty plus years, I guess I can see his point.  If my girls are reading this.....You are AMAZING! You make the world a better place!

My list cannot contain any item that has been on a previous list.  That doesn't mean I don't need to lose weight.  I'm just not going to announce my pending starvation and grouchy moods to everyone.  I will just spring it on you when you least expect it :)

Finally, if I don't fulfill all of the resolutions on "THE LIST OF 2012 RESOLUTIONS," (in my head that actually sounds really cool)  I owe my husband a hundred bucks.  My husband and I are super competitive when it comes to meaningless wagers that we never ever enforce payment of, except when he loses and then I expect payment in full.

(Again, if you could only hear it!)

 1.  Read at least 5 novels

2.  Do 1 silly/ridiculous thing a week- Sunday nights could get interesting!!

3.  Do someone a favor at least once a month (I cannot benefit from this favor in any way, other than it makes me feel awesome to do something nice for someone)

4.  Write at least 1 random sentence EVERY DAY! (cannot be work related, but can be used as inspiration for a future work related item)

5.  Enter AT LEAST 2 writing and/or illustration contests.

I will update you on my progress! (Unless I completely fail and then we will all pretend this never happened)

hAPpY NeW yEAr!


LS said…
I like your resolutions! You can do it. Plus I'd like to see Dick pay you $100.
Colleen Muske said…
He often bets on my tendency to take on too much....but you think after 26 years of marriage, he would have figured out I do my best work under pressure!

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